Man sitting at a desk looking at the Mdundo presentation on his desktop

Mdundo was tired of a mediocre brand strategy. When for Brands challenged us to supercharge their African sales team, we didn’t just meet expectations - we hit all the right notes.


  1. Create a sales-driven narrative
  2. Transform pitch deck into a creative powerhouse
  3. Empower sales team with a compelling brand strategy

The Challenge

Create a sales-driven narrative: We needed to turn a pitch deck into a powerhouse of creativity and impact, making it more than just informative but igniting.

What We Discovered

Through our in-depth analysis, we found:

  • Fragmented Brand Message: Mdundo’s message lacked the emotional impact needed to engage clients deeply.
  • Underwhelming Pitch Deck: The existing pitch deck was informative but failed to captivate and inspire.
  • Sales Team Gaps: The sales team needed a dynamic narrative to craft compelling proposals.

What by COB Did

1. Brand Strategy Overhaul:

  • We dove into Mdundo’s world, tore apart the mundane, and rebuilt a brand strategy that strikes an emotional chord.

2. Crafted a Dynamic Pitch Deck:

  • We transformed their message, positioning Mdundo for Brands as an indispensable partner for agencies and brands.

3. Empowered the Sales Team:

  • Armed the sales team with this dynamic narrative, enabling them to craft compelling proposals that stand out.

The Results

Transformed Sales Team: A sales team that doesn’t just sell a product - they tell a story that clients can’t ignore.Increased Engagement: Significant improvement in client engagement and proposal acceptance rates.Enhanced Brand Positioning: Positioned Mdundo for Brands as a creative and impactful partner in the market.

Conclusion’s journey with by COB highlights the transformative power of a compelling brand strategy. By crafting a narrative that resonates deeply, we enabled their sales team to go beyond selling - they now tell a story that captivates and convinces.


Music Streaming

Project level

Sales Enablement

Year completed

Paper hole punch illustration

For brands who want to punch boring in the face.

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